Created by Cliff Nze 4 years ago

If there is anything life has taught me personally, it is the ephemeral nature of our existence here. And if there is anyone who understood how best to live and exist here, that would be Auntymine like I've always called her. Should you desire to know how she lived, then look around you today and see the multitude from all walks of life that are here to honour and bid her farewell to a better place. Auntymine lived a life that was delightfully impactful and you couldn't but love her, sometimes for no definable reason. Auntymine had a way with her infectious smiles that will calm every situation around and within, and no matter the troubles or issues of life tabled before her, she knew how to handle them. I cannot remember how many times Auntymine helped me navigate some very difficult moments during my days of trying to choose a life partner. Her advice and encouragement played a major role in that regard and her intervention yielded a positive result. It's been very difficult processing the fact that she's no more with us, and even more painful that she passed just two days to my birthday this year. But I'm consoled knowing that she lived a good life and has gone to a place where there is no sorrow nor tears. I can feel her encouraging everyone here to embrace a life of empathy and love for one another. Those of us who knew her are still measuring the scale of our loss.... Auntymine, do have a well deserved rest in our Lord's bosom!

...Cliff Ajike Nze & Family