Created by Ada-Nze Ukoh 4 years ago
My Covenant friend and sister was neglected by the staff of FMC, Umuahia To die on the 2nd of April, 2020 and I was with her all through. I wrote this poem and many others to express how I am feeling And I am sharing it hoping that others will understand that they are not alone in grief.
Scared of so many things that never was Wish I could go back in time- I couldn't ask for more Miss the wonderful plans we made Memories we shared could never fade where do I go now? What do I do? How do I continue this journey without you?
Others may think I can continue from where I was before I met you They don't understand that it's impossible to do Having you in my life, was the best dream come true But since you left this world, the sky is a different blue Words can't describe the emptiness inside I get so lost without you here, please babe, I need you as my guiding-angel.
You can no longer be seen by the human eye, But your smile and love that you gave to so many, will never die Sometimes I tell myself you'll be back someday If I could make just one wish right now, I'd wish you come back to stay I guess this is the way life goes, but God's will, we must accept
I miss a million things, every detail of who you were Your mind and soul, Your sweetness and fairness, the pureness of your hearts, I still say I'm one very lucky girl to have been given the gift of you Friendship like ours is rare these days; I guess this earth can't handle things so pure and true People who knew us as friends marveled at the happiness perfect friendship brings So many people in this world care too much more about less valuable things
You taught me so much in the short time we spent together You taught me the value of the truest friendship That I'll carry with me forever I know that I shouldn't question God Because obviously he knows more than I But I can't help constantly asking myself "Why you had to die?" Why all your dreams couldn’t come true? For no one deserves them more than you.
I look around and see so many mean people who get to keep living why did God take you if He is just in His giving? I have thought maybe He chose you Because you were better than the rest I pray every day that heaven is as perfect as you; You only deserve the absolute best They say that only the good die young, never were words so true I wonder if I had lived the way you did, if God would have taken me too?